Sign up for Community Service hours by clicking the link below.
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We are excited to walk with our Confirmation students and their Sponsors this year. Below are the requirements that Sponsors must meet. Once you select your sponsor, please complete the Sponsor form below and return it to your Catechist or George Aguayo,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 Youth Faith Formation programs!
Below you will find information on the Programs we are offering, a short description, and how to register!
Youth Initiation Prep
Baptism & 1st Communion Sacramental Prep.
Enrolling 7th - 9th Grade
Registration Fee: $80
Meeting days: Thursdays, 6:15pm - 7:30pm
This program is designed for students who have not received the Sacraments of Initiation(Baptism & First Communion).
This year, we will be offering these classes on Thursdays, following the 5:30pm daily Mass. Classes begin at 6:15pm and end at 7:15pm.
Click below to see the tentative calendar for Youth Initiation Prep.
Confirmation Prep
Enrolling 10th - 12th Grade
Registration Fee: $200
Meeting days: Sundays, 2pm - 3pm
Our Confirmation program places a heavy focus on evangelizing young people and accompanying them as they become disciples. This transformative approach to Sacramental preparation answers to the needs of high schoolers in a catechetical, fun, and engaging way that provides a foundation for youth to continue past graduating high school.
Click below to see the tentative calendar for Confirmation Prep.
Year 1 Confirmation Prep Calendar
Year 2 Confirmation prep calendar